Vi har modtaget en henvendelse fra en amerikansk gentleman, der forespørger på en Gordon Setter, som allerede har vist skudfasthed, har et godt gemyt, har vist god jagtlyst og gode apporteringsevner fra land og vand, men læs selv nedenstående mail.
Dear Mr. Larsen,
My name is Ed Lowery, an American. I should like to ask you about finding a
Danish Gordon. I am a hunter and have owned and trained my own English,
Irish, and Gordons along the way. They are all wonderful, but there is something
extra special about Gordons.
My sources tell me that Danish breeders are doing it right. The dogs I have
seen on the Danish Gordon club site look like the dogs I have had: light and
quick. If you would, please advise me on the possibility of getting a dog from
Denmark. I’m a bit old now to do much training and would like to find one that
is at least undisturbed by gunfire, is not timid, and has shown the desire to hunt,
point, and retrieve from water.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Best wishes.
Ed Lowery
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