European Spring Championship Gordon 2018

We inform you that the Setter Gordon Club (, in collaboration with the International Gordon Setter Club, organizes the 33th edition of the European Spring Championship on March 2018, two days of international field trials with CACIT on partridges; every country is allowed to enter a team of gordon (max 5 dogs+1 reserve).

The Championship will be run in Ceresole d’Alba (Cuneo), one of the most interesting Italian areas for field trials on partridges and for the beauty of the places,  according to the following program:

-March 8, 2018 field trial with CAC “Speciale Gordon”, valid for the Italian working championship,

-March 9, 2018 European Championship (first day) international field trial on partridges CAC-CACIT

-March 10, 2018 European Championship for Young Gordon (below 30 months), international field trial on partridges with CAC.

-March 10, 2018 (afternoon) Club Show (“Raduno”) with CAC valid for the Italian beauty championship.

-March 11, 2018 European Championship (second day) international field trial on partridges CAC-CACIT

We are also planning to organize on March 10 a conference, provisional title: Morphology and Gait of the working gordon setter.

In the days prior to the championship, it will be possible to train, upon agreement with the organization, in an area not far from where the field trials will take place.

We are sending this note far in advance to give you the chance to organize your trip to Italy for this important international event.

Please, we like to give this information to the members of your Club.

For more information

Setter Gordon Club-SIS

Maurizio Peri, Presidente